>>69816779>Will you quit wasting the post count with your damage control?That's you.
>No one gets this autistic and stubborn when defending themselvesYou do.
>just shut the fuck up already.Yet you always fail to take your own advice, Hmofa.
>>69816799Three. Botfag has been around for about five I think, though he started on /v/ first and spread out to other places over time.
>>69816875>Great, looks like botfag and furcuck have chased away all the editorsThat's you. Everyone see again how Hmofa tries to gaslight and fool everyone into thinking its everyone else's fault? No james, its all on you.
>great going you mentally ill autistsParroting back what was said about him because his double digit IQ can't think of anything else.
>doing this shit every thread too.Yes, you do this everything thread 24/7 for 10 plus hours sessions for three years not even taking breaks for Thanksgiving for Xmas, because you have no friends and your own family wants nothing do to with you.
>>69816972James samefagging or some dope stupid enough to drink the kool-aid he's spewing. While Botfag has done damage as well, Hmofa has also done his part ruining edit thread and drawthreads site wide.