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/tg/ makes a setting inside this pond #2

No.93405706 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last thread >>93340028
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No.93422772 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>WmH is dead
>Both 40k and aos are dying
>X-wing and Armada are dead
>TC is already forgotten
Quar chums, it is our time! Unto the breach!
107 posts and 20 images omitted

No.93432348 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are politics like in your space age setting?
49 posts and 16 images omitted

What went wrong /tg/, how'd Shad fuck up this hard?

No.93448757 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok boys, this book is some of the biggest trash I've ever read and there is so much wrong with it, but where did it start to go wrong? Was it the world building, the intention, the mary sue rapist protagonist? Where did it all go wrong.
5 posts omitted

No.93389618 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's your setting's justification for why the PC's are so much stronger than your typical NPC grunts? Some fantasy settings such as Exalted and Fire Emblem have things like the exaltations and crests designed to set certain people up to be extra powerful and special which explains how they're able to defeat scores of lesser enemies, but not all settings do this which leads to questions of why a high level Fighter is able to defeat so many regular NPC soldiers.
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No.93427243 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Kobold thread, dragonwrought edition. Death to gnomes!
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/mechm/ - Mecha Monday

No.93409623 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to Mecha Monday! Here we dedicate ourselves to mecha RPGs, war games, and board games alike. Here we start games, tell campaign stories, share resources & assets, and seek advice for our games and homebrew.

Let us know what needs to be updated with the pastebin.

Assorted Mecha Goodness:
Embryo Machine Translation

Previous Thread: >>93347373

Thread Question: Does the system you play handle unconventional mechs (Walkers, multi-legged, legless/hover) differently from humanoids? If so, how? If not, how would you implement it?

Thread theme:
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Demon lord powers

No.93447526 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What sort of powers should a Demon lord/king have?

/WBG/ Worldbuilding General

No.93396996 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Maps and Cartography Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

Last Thread: >>93321477

Resources for Newfags:
Worldbuilding links:
Fantasy map generator:

Thread questions:
>How much of your setting has been accurately mapped, and how important is cartography as a profession?
>What programs and tools do you (or the people in your setting) use to create your setting’s maps, and what are the strengths and weaknesses of each? Also, please share any such relevant maps.
>Do you have any advice for using those programs and tools, based on your own experiences? How about mapmaking advice in general?
>What things (especially mistakes) do you see in maps that really annoy you? And if there’s nothing in particular, what unusual locations do you have in your worlds?

Bonus: What’s the best way to create star maps and planetary maps for science fiction settings, and how does it contrast from fantasy map creation?
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/mtg/ - Magic the Gathering General

No.93441598 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"Colorless" Edition


▶Official News:
Bloomburrow Prerelease Guide

Bloomburrow Commander Decklists (GOSH DANGIT ISN'T THIS A STANDARD SET??)

Where and How to Play Bloomburrow

▶Something that happened over a year ago that people still put in the OP for some reason(?):
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


▶Current meta, complete with deck lists
▶Build and share casual decks

▶Build and share Cubes

▶Search engines
▶Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
▶Play online for free

▶What is E D H?


What card or type of card feels WRONG?
234 posts and 57 images omitted