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HG/Hunger Games Thread

No.67742709 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Location: Gotham City
OOooOOoo spooky.
84 posts and 65 images omitted

No.67741788 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/dft/ - Discord Fappy Talky

Post tags, talk about your fetishes, and jerk off.

Come here edition

Previous: >>67731064
218 posts and 135 images omitted

/aibf/ - A.I. Bing Focused Thread: Water Edition

No.67702106 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
304 posts and 283 images omitted

No.67624321 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Pokemon TF Thread
108 posts and 96 images omitted

/slop/ - AI Slop & Image Generation #227

No.67743230 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Fapping-focused AIslop thread for those who enjoy plapping to AI perfection. A thread for prompters, editors, requesters, gooners, AI pornmommies, PLAPpers, Stable Diffusion artists, NovelAI artists - anything and everything AIslop.

>3D Edition
104 posts and 62 images omitted

No.67743078 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/flg/ - F-List General #5602

Annoyed Edition

Previous thread: >>67737791

F-list is a website for people interested in erotic roleplaying, and creating character profiles to find like-minded partners with similar interests and fetishes to roleplay with. It features a webchat (which can be used for textual roleplaying), group forums and more kinks and depravity than you can memorize.

The purpose of this thread is to serve as a place where roleplayers can freely share and advertise their profiles, solicit roleplay from anons, critique each others' characters, ask and give feedback, share their roleplay logs, discuss their kinks, gossip about site drama, and anything else related to F-List.

>The Site
>Login Stats
>Live Status Tracker
>Filtered Ads
>/flg/ Community Pastebin
>Profile Image Search
>Eicon Search Tool
>/flg/ Archive
>Recommended third party chat client

What are some pet peevs your /c/ has?
252 posts and 48 images omitted

/aibf/ - A.I. Bing Focused Thread: Olympics Edition

No.67746480 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

No.67707896 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
123 posts and 34 images omitted

/aig/ animate inanimate general

No.67695114 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Formerly known as /ssg/ sexy synthetics general.

A thread for anything that isn't made out of flesh and blood, Post robots, rubber dolls, latex drones, plushies, pooltoys, figures and anything that's normally considered inanimate like plant, food or stone creatures.

All content is welcome, doesn't matter if drawn by a person, Al generated, or even a real object you took a photo of. You can even post a story or greentext. Post anything as long as it fits the theme.

Previous thread:

We do occasionally post non AI content but if you want to succumb to peer pressure:
Best quality, heavy censorship
Poorer quality, no censorship
Good quality. Specialized for furry content.
25$ a month for unlimited image generation.
91 posts and 68 images omitted

Fighting Game Girls

No.67697833 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Intercrural Edition

Previous: >>67527996
73 posts and 51 images omitted