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No.16895253 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do some people say India is an artificial country made by the Brits. Under what justification do they have that point?
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No.16895863 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What if it turned out this whole time that God was not some old white/jewish bearded dude in a robe and was actually a sassy black woman? How would we know for sure?
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No.16895597 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
30 years ago it seemed like a more than just cause, but in retrospect, now that SA is one of the most dangerous shitholes in the world, was it really the best way to handle things?

No.16893595 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
USSR was also able to make an unprecedented civilizational leap - it carried out industrialization, a scientific and technological revolution, reduced the share of the rural population, gave people universal free education, and free higher education, free medical care, kindergartens and even housing for everyone, built the strongest army in the world . The Bolsheviks, without a doubt, saved the country from dullness and vegetation, giving it light and the opportunity for national creativity.
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Muslims are amazed that Islamic violence is used against them as an argument.

No.16889629 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Every time i've seen some guy approach a Muslim and throw some current event at him, the Muslim looks astonished that this would even be raised as a thing. This was especially common during the years ISIS were in their prime:

>Non-Muslim "So how many have you killed around the world this month? Islam mate, all you lot do is kill innocent people"
>Muslim "Where are Muslims killing?"
>Non-Muslim "Whaaaat it's been all over the bastard news, you lot have just slaughtered 500 Christians in Nigeria, ain't ya?"
>Non-Muslim "and Manchester hey? what about Manchester arena? one of you lot just blew up a load of kids"
>Muslim "How do you know that's Muslims?"
>Non-Muslim "Saw it on the news"
>Muslim "So you believe everything you hear on the media?"
>Non-Muslim "Come on fella don't play dumb, it's widely known ain't it? everyone knows. Look how many you've just blown up in Sri Lanka."
>Muslim "Widely known is not an argument. Again, how do you know it's Muslims?"
>Non-Muslim "What about 9/11? how many dead there? do you condemn that?"
>Muslim "And has it been proven to be Muslims? How do you know?"
>Non-Muslim "everyone knows it was fackin Muslims mate, do you watch the fackin news?"
>Muslim "No"
>Non-Muslim "Give fackin' over, you don't watch the news?"
>Muslim "No. I don't think it's the law that i have to watch the news, is it? But out of respect we are going round in circles here, do you have any argument which proves Islam is untrue?"

The takeaway from these exchanges is that Muslims are not interested in discussing political events or terrorist attacks. Muslims are looking for hard, juicy theological objections to Islam. For Muslims, it doesn't matter if the entire world is on fire and it's being blamed on Islam. All of the political jargon is to be quite simply ignored. Why? Because none of it has anything to do with whether Islam is true or not.
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No.16892244 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The krauts really didn't have any shame when they cried about the Treaty of Versailles being too harsh on them.
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No.16892805 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Was Alan Watts based?
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No.16895898 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why did Jews push so hard for mass migration even after they had arrived in the US? They even made temporary "concessions" to the anti immigration public, which they then reneged upon later, just like today's politics. Its almost like they're trying to genocide and displace Europeans through demographic attrition or something.