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Nintendo 64 Thread

No.11113973 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's talk about the fun machine.
I'm currently playing Banjo-Kazooie: The Jiggies of Time on my console via a flashcart and it's pretty good, was wondering what other romhacks should I try, already have Mario Kart Amped Up (waiting for the new update that might add 3D models for the racers) and Smash Remix, maybe some randomizers as long as they're console compatible.
I have played some Mario 64 romhacks (currently Sapphire is my favorite) and some for Goldeneye.
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No.11115915 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>bananas: give extra lives
>banana bunches: give extra lives
>KONG tokens: give extra lives
>balloons: give extra lives
>animal mini games: give extra lives
DKC is a good game but the fact that literally every collectible awards you the same fucking thing is gay and retarded

No.11113310 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why do people here still console war over old platforms? Don't they realize all of these boxes are decades outdated and their whole libraries can be enjoyed on a single machine now?
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No.11109975 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What Spyro game is considered to be the best in the PS1 trilogy?
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Windows 98 Gaming

No.11115806 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/vr/, what would you say defines Windows 98 gaming for you? Hardware, the games, if you were into PC gaming at the time what were you playing?
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No.11103907 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I miss it
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No.11115028 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ha ha ha HAH haaaa

GameCube 2001 reveal

No.11112782 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's interesting to look back on this reveal because the crowd reactions tell a lot about what the fans wanted, and it's strangely foreboding in some ways:
>crowd goes fucking APESHIT over Samus; the hype for Zelda characters is significantly more muted
>after the Melee trailer rocks everyone's socks off, Miyamoto says "now for the next instalment in the Mario series"
>crowd screams in hype and loses their minds
>and then it's Luigi's Mansion
>literally NOBODY claps or screams or chants at ANY point in the Luigi's Mansion reveal
>nobody gives a shit; people are just talking over the show
>the excitement at the conference is basically nonexistent now and once the trailer ends, Luigi's Mansion gets a quieter ovation than Ice Climbers being confirmed for Melee (no, seriously)
It's surreal how prophetic yet so different this was. And the reaction to LM really makes you feel bad for Nintendo (but also not bad because they clearly failed to read the room). Did the biblical status Zelda has today only come into existence after Wind Waker's graphics made fans reminisce over the N64 glory days? Because it's impossible to imagine Zelda characters generating such little hype today.
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No.11115641 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Growing up as a PALcuck has been one of the biggest misfortunes of my miserable life.

>endless delays
>games randomly not coming out
>dogshit localisations filtered through 2 levels of lost in translation
>worse framerate if you're lucky
>worse framerate AND slower gameplay if not
>retarded censorship
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