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/metal/ general

No.125468059 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Deicide edition
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No.125472666 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
69 posts and 35 images omitted

No.125472367 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thoughts on their bodies of work?
13 posts and 1 image omitted

Emily Armstrong / Linkin Park

No.125464869 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The first Japan concert happened several hours ago. This guy has some excellent PoVs with lots of Emily shots (we eating good):

Papercut (featuring Mr. Han goofing with a guitar around the 1 min mark and Emily screaming at Phoenix at 02:45.... I would like to order the same treatment plz)
The Catalyst
Heavy Is The Crown
Tow Faced
Emptiness Machine
Somewhere I Belong
Castle of Glass

Mike and Phoenix have a happy birthday song and a cake during the concert:

Next concerts are another one in Japan on the 12th and then Jakarta on the 16th.

Emily, Mike and Colin goofing around in a Japanese variety show with a cute Emily scream (webm related) and a stripped version of Emptiness Machine that is fucking amazing:

Emily getting shy and almost crying when the crowd chants her name:

Talk with Mike and Emily:

Proofs she can do 17 sec scream from Heavy is the Crown in studio. How will haters recover?
39 posts and 22 images omitted


No.125470905 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Artists who would be incels if they weren't rich and famous
45 posts and 10 images omitted

/prog/ - Progressive Rock General

No.125441186 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
228 posts and 37 images omitted

IVE Thread #132

No.125463955 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
106 posts and 29 images omitted

There will be a massive (MASSIVE) movement in live music

No.125472699 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
As well as word-of-mouth promotion, brought upon by enshittification from AI.

The days of using the internet or screens or the radio to share and consume real music are numbered. Not tomorrow, not next year, probably not even by the end of this decade, but it is finite.
There is an approaching future of fake-ass videos of fake-ass bands fully composed of ai-generated nonexistent people playing ai-generated music that will be INDISTINGUISHABLE from videos today. Entire albums and records at an identical quality of today's releases, created in seconds.
There will popstars whom don't exist; or worse, an average Joe made to sound like one for shits and giggles. Emulating their voice, using instant production software, lyrics by a language model trained on every song to ever exist. With zero giveaways or tells of being artificial. Masking their lack of effort like a snapchat filter. Everyone regardless of skill will be able to make the same art we value today if they simply "feel like it".

The guys in charge show no signs of stopping the embrace of this tech.
Listen to the slop on It sounds like generic utter shit and less than amateur, but the issue is that they are made by even further amateurs. It is only going to improve and there will be no stopping it.
There will be a social movement many years from now, in a similar mentality to being Amish, in-which people will choose to un-plug and live life similar to how things were in the 20th century, out of the respect for the integrity of art. It won't be everyone, average people are fine with "good enough".
Real experience will be the one sure way to know what is real and what is slop.

Genres like Folk and Jazz and forms of Rock and others with an emphasis of mastering physical instruments will be favored by this. To make it will mean to be good. No more shortcuts or safety nets.
Practice and practice.

Mindless Self Indulgence

No.125456994 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Day 2 of listening to MSI. What’s your favorite MSI album and why is it Frankenstein Girls?
42 posts and 4 images omitted