Soyjak.Party (the newest major altchan, better known as The 'Sharty; /qa/'s refuge, also redirects from Basedjak.party so the link can still be posted on 4chan, to piss of mods. Unfiltered, high-speed shitposting, huge amount of active hidden boards, grassroots modern art movement and /qa/ counterpart to [s4s])
Bonus high-quality links for Good Anons who made it through without whinging
They'll hate me for 'revealing their sekrit klubs', but realistically if you've lurked enough to know of ghostposting, you'll more than likely fit in while behaving yourself, and they're all more than active enough to sustain a userbase, rather than the 1,001 dead altchans. Each has their niche, I'm sure you'll find one you like as a better alternative to the general sewage that is modern 4chimp (aside from the tiny boards like /po/, that are worth using). They need a semi-gatekept way to get a slow trickle of semi-non-retarded new users (to unironically make up for Anons who silently pass away), and by my unipolar judgement, I'm spoonfeeding you it now. I'm already past most of these in my descent into seclusion from normalfaggotry and mostly lurk intenational IRC's, but they're all good places filled with good Anons nonetheless.
And before we finish up, if you're using 4chanX, you're being tracked / monitored, stop using it. The only script of note that I'm aware you'll lose access to is automated posting for dump threads; file embeds, sound embeds, mass replies and archive inserted deleted posts all have independant scripts that do not require it.
Consider yourself spoonfed.