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All year long I'll be posting Punisher storytimes. I'll focus mostly on pre-Ennis era material, but there will at some point or another be a few Ennis era issues posted and possibly some from the post-Ennis era as well. Every week will have at least 1 storytime, and there will definitely be some multi-storytime weeks (in fact, this is the second storytime this week, you can read the first one here: >>93120045 ).

So far most of The Punisher comics that I've posted have been from the Mike Baron run on The Punisher's first ongoing series. As of last week we finished that run. While Baron's run on the main book is one of the more famous on the character ever, what's less well known is that he also had a run on The Punisher War Journal. Today I'll be posting the first half of that run, all of which is drawn by the masterful Mark Texiera.

And I'm not fucking kidding when I say these are MUST READ issues. Some of the best drawn Punisher comics you will EVER see. Plus Baron's writing on War Journal was some of his best and I'd argue among the most underrated Punisher comics ever.

And it's safe to assume I'm not the only one who thinks so. Garth Ennis almost DEFINITELY was inspired by the first story in this arc in particular. Look at that cover in the OP image. Remind you of anything?

After that arc there will be 2 more stories, including a team-up with Ghost Rider, whom Punisher has teamed-up with probably more than anybody (if anyone can prove me wrong on this please do). I think they've had bare minimum 4 team-ups, maybe 5. This is without a doubt one of the best of the bunch, featuring both arguably the best writing out of any of their team-ups and as far as I'm concerned hands down the best art. NOBODY drew Ghost Rider quite like Texiera.

Enough hype, let's read.