>>222454957I read and caught up to this point. I don't come to /a/ normally, but when I heard the news I knew this would be the place to find people who have been on the same journey.
I've been reading and re-reading Berserk for 21 years. I watched the show when it came out. I watched a dumb abridged series about it that I loved. I shared it with friends. Warned others with weaker wills not to start it because of the hiatuses. I've had it as part of my life as far back as I'm able to remember.
It got me into fitness and made me stronger inside and out. I swung sticks as a kid way too big for me. I would haul metal rods and pipes home and swing them around in the back yard at 3 in the morning. I got more serious when I got older, and I still have oversized practice swords. Handmade weighted blades just because I could never let go of the dream.
I refuse to believe the story is over because of this. Miura would have prepared for this. He believed in Guts more than he ever believed in his own failing body. There will be a time for mourning, and then they will announce it will continue on. With his vision. In his memory.
Don't give up hope my friends. Be strong and show the love for a great man and a great artist.