>>275058644,8Let's just do a quick list of all the things !-Akemi refuses to address, thus proving he's a single person.
1. Why do other normal threads not scream about "ack" when shitposters get told to stop shitposting.
2. Why does "everyone" agree with !-Akemi no matter what he says, even when he can never post proof for anything he says.
3. !-Akemi will never explain anything he says, and his attempts to explain are just lists of assertions.
4. Where !-Akemi got the name "Sean" from.
5. !-Akemi will never say why it's fine for him to attempt to bait and troll (fail), but telling him to stop if wrong.
6. !-Akemi will never explain why he can't just ignore "ack" posts, like he claims "ack" should just ignore his posts.
7. !-Akemi will never answer why he cares so much about being called a samefag, and why he never tries to defend the quality of his posts.
8. !-Akemi will never explain why he thinks people should constantly say new things to him, while he constantly repeats himself.
Also, a list of !-Akemi's behavior patterns.
!-Akemi is mad a simple bullet point list destroys the narrative that he ruined his life trying to force.
1. Post proof your boogieman is real. (deleted pastebin with random posts you don't like is not proof)
2. Explain why anyone should think your boogieman is bad.
3. Explain why all !-Akemi posters act exactly the same way and refuse to ever address anything said to "them".
4. Explain why multiple people can not tell !-Akemi to stop shitposting.
5. Explain why it's not obsessive for you to constantly make posts about your boogieman unprovoked.
6. Why is "replying means baited" only said when you are told to stop shitposting?
7. "u- u posted ur amazon account to frame me!!!" - Not a point, just laughing at you, !-Akemi.
8. !-Akemi is SO FUCKING MAD people found his amazon account. He's so asshurt, literally, and that's why he keeps trying to pretend it's his boogieman's account. Reminder that !-Akemi's danbooru account where he cries about his boogieman also has him favoriting and uploading tons of butt plug shit.
It's so funny how this small list called out all of !-Akemi's blatant behavior patterns. And even with said behavior patterns spell out he STILL can't stop himself. He has pathological mental disorders.