Why isn't it more common for mangakas to be 100% directly behind the anime adaptation / film of their own work? It feels like the secret to perfection considering how both of pic related turned out.
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>>273522401 Because making a manga and directing a movie are very different skill-sets.
Also because it means a lot of responsibility and a huge work-load get added to your schedule, which is already pretty tight for most successful mangaka.
>>273525532 >>273525602 mouth-breathing retards
>>273525602 Is there a way to read it in english without the flipped panels and backwards reading order?
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>>273526616 none I can find, gotta buy it yourself and upload it
>>273526616 Why would you? Either read it in Japanese with the original order or read it in English with an order suited for it.
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Episode 9 is up: Ass skating edition.
>>273658677 >That's the appeal of Ranma being female in these scenarios; she will eventually realize she actually enjoys being the little girl and will gladly take her rivals' huge cocks Show me one scene where Ranma genuinely enjoys being a girl and I'll believe you. Ranma will always be top in a relationship. Plus he's literally at least as strong as Ryoga in his female body.
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>>273659128 so you've just never read the manga, then?
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Discussing currently airing anime on /a/ is illegal now
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Gerd is a CUTE Viking Jotunn
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>>273627253 Don't flatter me. I wish I was capable of killing the hype this hard.
Will the zoro missing an eye ever going to be addressed? I remember at some point thinking that Oda was waiting for a fight where he was truly struggling to wipe out some sort of secret power like Luffy did when he reached Dressrosa since he didn't need to go all out before then. But after Wano, where his bones gets shattered and then is fighting King with borrowed time (not to mention surviving Death itself aparently, which is also not addressed), I am just starting to think is nothing and is just there because Oda thought it was cool, At least I hope we get a cool backstory from it and the answer not just being that a monkey or mihawk did that to him
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>>273627457 We got Sanji's eyebrows lore and development, but he's the co-mc.
I heard from Japanese readers that Oda always wanted to make Zoro a one-eyed swordsman even before the serialization.
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Kyouko Kinyobi LETS GO!
Big news this week Exedra release confirmed for 2025-05-25 and new gameplay footage released:
https://x.com/madoka_exedraEN/status/1861851233943773589 https://x.com/madoka_exedraEN/status/1861851485509656825 https://x.com/madoka_exedraEN/status/1861855011078058140 and there's a new pre-registration campaign if it hits 500k users everyone gets a free donk.
https://x.com/madoka_exedraEN/status/1861855512528048527 So this means we can expect Kaiten to come out sometime in the second half of next year as they will hype it up big in the game.
Apple-chan !!Y54a2PKn6Mg
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>>273672832 Hopefully the pain can go at least.
Apple-chan !!Y54a2PKn6Mg
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>>273673903 >kyouko The arcade. She really isn't a fancy person, but I would surprise her with a fancy dinner date.
>madoka The park. Madoka looks like she would enjoy that the most.
>sayaka A fancy dinner date for sure.
>homura The movies. She seems like she would like that most that isn't Madoka.
>mami Let's have some tea.
>harem route The beach so we can all play with fireworks. Apple-chan !!Y54a2PKn6Mg
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>>273674055 It's winter? It barely got cold so I would continue to dress loosely at home. If it does get cold though, I would dress as Hitori Gotou as usual.
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>>273665234 Homu hanging out
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Chiya daydreaming about anon
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Chino-bot won, but Chino lost. Everyone hates her for attracting that fag.
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Chino lost btw
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fucking haet chinotards and haet chino
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Being thankful for the announcement of Hikaru ga shinda there should be 801 more like it need more fucked up homo shows to get adapted.
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Last for bunny suits.
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>>273629220 Be honest anon, you're leaving out the part that you nutted hard.
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>>273629659 Best vampire. DIO is second.
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>>273612057 >>bitter pro-shippers that got run off of shitter by 12 year olds kek >unironically saying "pro-shippers" You out yourself as a bootlicker of 12 year olds who probably is the one trolling the sk8 threads, "kek".
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>Extremely dull and uncreative premise ("What if a random dude wished to the dragon balls to be the strongest? What if another random dude wished to the dragon balls to be the strongest +1?") >Main lead (Granolah) is boring and one-note, main antagonist (Gas) has zero charisma whatsoever, the ambiguous aspect of the arc (the Saiyans destroying Granolah's planet) is completely ignored now that we know the Heeters are behind it all anyway >Despite the arc opening up a lot of interesting aspects of U7 (Heeter's business, Frieza rebuilding his empire, mercenary work), everything is sidelined for boring fights in a completely generic planet >Nothing to speculate or discuss whatsoever. Events all follow the most boring course possible. Goku fights Granolah but he loses, so Vegeta fights him but he loses, so they fight together and they tie, then Gas appear and they lose, then Granolah gets a Senzu Bean and fight Gas. No mystery, no development, no adventure, just fights between non-characters ad infinitum. >Marketing gimmick of the arc is "the fight between the universe's strongest", yet the feats can't even scale up to the Frieza fight in Namek, let alone the previous arcs (Remember UI Goku's punch that shook the planet against Moro?). It's no wonder even the sales are dropping. The sooner we are done with this arc, the better.
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>>232231551 >His clothes don't change if he powers down Gohan would have defeated him had that been the case.
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>>232226447 That hasn't happened in at least two years.
>>232231706,1 good riddance
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>>232231706,2 It's what your parents will say once you're gone
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ITT: anime only you watched
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>>273623030 Manga is still going. Like one chapter per quarter. It was doing Allen's backstory for like 2 years, but I think its back to the present now
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>>273611818 I watched this when it was airing. Definitely my most favorite action-ecchi show. I like the miko with the kamaetachi ferret.
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>>273626858 It was ahead of it's time.
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>>273626858 >>273624492 >>273622993 >>273622640 I remember these being regularly discussed at the time.
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>>273606873 I watched Gigi no trololol,yes.
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More animes (ya I spelled with an "s" fucking deal with it) should have the balls to include irredeemably ugly female characters
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>>41924598,18 Are you happy you got your CP stash back, shartykek?
>>41924598,18 I really hope one day that you cucks step over the line with a dox and feds shut down the website permenantly. Nothing tastes better than soyfag tears.
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>>41924368 this post is like a pilgrimage
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Absolute pathetic newfaggot mods at it again with bullshit fucking newfaggotry
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>>41924598,20 >two more weeks and the feds will get the sharty, bro