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Okay, hey guys, I just want to give you an update on my situation..
So last thread I posted I really felt like a women but I still hadn't made myself one completely. Looking at my body though, even feeling like a busty women with a vagina I was an ugly fat hairy male. Whenever I looked at my body, although I felt a lot of change it didn't seem much different but the problem was I just didn't believe in my new looks although I felt them.
I tried actually looking at my body change though and saw my penis shrink and go inwards, maybe that's not too abnormal but then even my balls had started to go pretty inwards and that's just not normal....
I also want to tell you any of you can become a little girl by believing or just wanting it really badly. Here's what you do, firstly you need to imagine you have a vagina really hard, that you're a girl, it's really simple if you just keep it up for 2 minutes you will definitely notice a change in your personality and by believing can continue from there. I tried being a male though the energy just didn't suit me and felt really bad, maybe that's because I was born feminine or maybe that's just my personal choice.
You just need to imagine that you're a girl really strongly, it might even seem like it feels kinda bad but still do it. You also need to keep a feminine personality or else you'll revert to a mescaline body (my penis grew everytime I acted like a man).
I'm working on changing my body, I'll post pictures. Being a female is really awesome, I think it's really nice and relaxing and in contrast being male is a very painful existence. and there's no such thing as a dominant aggressive female, just doing that will make you into a man.
I'm also still promising to post pics eventually, keep in mind this as all been really difficult at times to accomplish (don't worry wannabe girls, disliking difficulty will only make you more of a female, and it might even be easy for you).
Do you think /a/ narrative is controlled by some ethnic group? I noticed recently literal Wikipedia article tier off topic on /a/ is allowed but some refreshing topic is strictly banned in the blink of an eye even though it is anime related. Do you have any idea why this kind of thing happens?