>>236008570But can she defeat Gawain? Could she beat Saber Gawain? What about Rider Gawain? Heck, what about Numeral Rider Gawain with Excalibur Galatine? Can he defeat Numeral Rider Gawain with Excalibur, Galatine, Excalibur Galatine, Rhongowennan, Fail-Not, casting spells when Merlin isn't around, the Shield of Judas Maccabee, the sword that refused to kill Gawain for being the best knight in the world while Gawain is the hero of the Grail Quest & therefore has the Holy Grail & the Bleeding Spear and riding Gringolet as the best Walker & Rider while borrowing Arondight, Secace, Carnwennan, Marmyadose, Caliburn, Lancelot's white with red stripes Shields, Arthur's Priwen, Percival's flame retardant shield from his bros which are more numerous and impressive than the number of penises in the Whore of Babylon's mouth?