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9 Titan Shifter Power Rankings (1/2):
1. Founder + Royal Blood - Literally can control all Subjects of Ymir, the Paths, and the Worm. practically unstoppable by the entire worlds forces unless you're a jobber like Eren and a fag like Zeke. Founding with Royal Blood is by far number one in every statistical category, so there wont be a need to reference it in any of the other explanations.
2. Colossal Titan: By far the highest AoE and singular burst destructive capabilities. Biggest issue is the poor stamina, meaning if you can tank the nuke or a kick, you can win.
3. Beast Titan - Although highly dependent on what animal you get, Beast seems to be the strongest of the three "animal" type shifters. High AP, great endurance, and ability to communicate in Titan form.
4. Warhammer Titan: The unique ability to spawn the titan from outside of it is what sets it apart from the other 8, and on top of that it also has the strongest defensive crystallization, with only the Jaw able to break it. Throw on top the ability to manifest weaponry using crystallization allowing for ranged combat, this makes the Warhammer extra versatile and dangerous. Major weakness is its very slow spawn speed.
5. Female Titan: Jack of all trades. Not astounding in any one area, but weak in none either. its special abilities of innate crystallization and calling pure titans are useful, but they dont outclass any of the other abillities above it.
6. Jaw Titan: The second of the "animal" type shifters, meaning the strength of this one is largely dependent on the animal you get. In general, this titan is the fastest and has the hardest crystallization located at its jaw and claws, meaning it has the highest AP of the shifters. Short range and 0 defensive capabilities really shoot this one in the foot, but in general its a strong ability to have in tight battlefields. This shifter also can get the ability to fly if they have a bird-like animal.