Quoted By:
>But what is the point of consuming niched stuff and developing it in your own enclosed circlejerk if the result is still garbage compared to other "mainstream" stuff.
Go back to mainlining mainstream junk on /v/ or reddit or faceberg or wherever else you came from then.
> I'm ashamed
>I'm talking about the tone dumbass
Ah yes, that super-serious tone that SnK is renowned for, how could I have forgotten? BTW (By The Way, spelling this out cause I know it's hard for ESLs (English Second Language) to parse acronyms especially if they don't have a strong grasp on English like yourself) story quality is inseparable from tone, just because something "tries" to be serious doesn't make it so, often times it's exactly those types that make for the funniest ones.
Also, your example of a "serious" series is a ripoff of the "moe face" you posted in the OP, without it existing SnK would never have been a thing.