>>230898515>TR is basically the story of a nice person being pushed to become a villain. If the joker meme is what you got out of TR you're setting yourself up for the same disappointment as the people who ignored the core themes of Attack on Titan to project their political/shipping fantasies.
TR is about change. Takemichi's power is time travel, but it's also the power to change. A coward becomes the bravest punching bag, everything kazutora, Kisaki's ambition is to change into someone Hina would notice, Toman changes from a defense pact among friends into criminal scum, etc.
There's only one consistent thing in tokyo revengers: Mikey changes into the same thing because he lacks what takemichi has, the ability to overcome and change for the better. There's a reason why all the futures where Mikey is interacted with ends with him committing suicide. he loses so hard he literally kills himself. The final jump is achieved by Mikey genuinely wanting to be saved from what he becomes.