>you will never share a pepesi with Chiaki-senpai>>192551226>Huh, a plastic bottle rocket.A bottle rocket, huh?
>I made one when I was in grade schoolI used to make them in grade school
>Daisuke's made one apparentlyDaisuke used to make them, apparently.
It's just my interpretation, but I think bottle rockets are something you fuck around with for a while, rather than make one and tell people about it for years.
>>192551384>call him"call him over" or "invite him"
>>192551531>Well, you two sure are siblings"Well, he's definitely your brother" or maybe "you two are definitely related" ?
>put weightsput weights on
>I was pretty thirstyI'm pretty thirsty
>we have some tea here"We have tea if you want some."
>>192551637>that much onlyonly that much
>>192551784>The construction should be right."I think we made it correctly" or at least "The construction seems alright"
>is it ready?>this should be enoughI'd say flip these to "is this enough" and "It should be ready"
>>192551953unstable I think
unstable, I think
>oh thank godoh, thank
>well I'm notwell, I'm
>whoa you're soaking!whoa, you're
>>192551977>bottom part"the lower parts" or "the parts below" or even "the rest"; "bottom" makes me think about her fat ass, although that might just be me.