>>210151742The idea that he's already dead or close enough to it has occurred to me as well. But it would be pretty arbitrary if that were the case. His titan has plenty of energy to move, so why couldn't he heal? If it's a matter of his brain being destroyed, you have Reiner as a case for why that shouldn't matter as long as the shifter's consciousness is backed up somewhere. You could make an argument for him surviving without any memories of the rumbling (like Reiner lost memories when his brain was regrown), but honestly, that would be a kindness to him. I can't see Isayama opting to let him survive and forget.
And yeah, there's the final panel. The baby is being held up by an adult man, meaning it's not just a ghostly paths embrace like Grisha and Zeke. I guess there's always muh symbolism option since Isayama went full retard with Hange's death, but I would still bet on the final panel being reality rather than a dream.