>>118528889>Well, to be fair the Franks had a huge impact in what today is the French language.So did Latin and Gaelic. That doesn't change the fact that the Franks were a Germanian tribe that most likely spoke protogermanic/protonorse. Having one of them use French is retarded, especially given the Franchise otherwise doesn't bring up language for other Servants.
>>118529105>That's still not a good reason for why his Noble Phantasm wouldn't have its original title.I didn't say it was, but that sounds more likely a reason as to why they use the German title (aswell as "Märchen"/Fairytails being associated with Germany in Japan) to me than "because fuck Danish".
Probably it's the same misunderstanding as with Charlemagne commonly associated as being French when he wasn't (and neither was he German, that doesn't really make sense, it was his descendants that created what would become France, Burgundy and "Germany"/HRE).
>>118529062>spoilerWell of course. Or would you prefer that all the Saber-servants were now voiced by the same voice actress?