>>142940666Every mainlife FF game is a completely individual game. None of them are related.
They have changed their battlesystems with every iteration. No game really plays like any of the others in the series.
Its fair to say that most of the FF games were very well received and loved (yes, even XIII) so asking people for their opinions for which ones to play is going to give you a whole mixture of replies.
Its generally accepted that 4; 6; 7; 9 and 10 are the "MUST PLAYS" if you do decide to play them for both historical reasons, gameplay reasons and quality reasons. Bear in mind that 4 is over 20 years old.
If you are looking to play a more "modern" one, go with 10. If you like it then go in reverse from there.
6 and 7 are the most celebrated but they are both quite dated in looks. However the battlesystems and story in both of them still hold up today as some of the best in the industry.