>>154845630She let a "Momonga-sama" drop in Vol. 10 after Ainz wiped her tears away before she left for the Empire.
It isn't so much that she "hates Ainz" but that Ainz doesn't call himself Momonga anymore, or, rather, she wants him to call himself by the name that she was commanded to love, and she holds disdain for the rest of the Guild, who abandoned her, and, more importantly, Momonga. Keep in mind that Albedo is one of the very few that can actually read Ainz's non-existent facial expressions, and she definitely notices Ainz's loneliness, spurred on by the fact that his friends abandoned him. This just augments her hatred for the other 40. The fact that Momonga took on the name of Ainz Ooal Gown in spite of all of this is what upsets her, but ultimately it something she primarily keeps within the confines of her mind, except when it slips out during her most emotional moments (see Vol 10).
It isn't so much in terms of her being a yandere and trying to keep Momonga entirely to herself, but rather that she would destroy anyone, even her own creator, if they came close to betraying Momonga.
In this, she isn't too much different from PA, who would do much of the same if it came down to it.