>>189497863>Are you ready for all the Netflix normalfags to watch Eva, /a/?Normalfags watch Evangelion already. Whenever a weeb weeb thinks his precious chinese porn cartoons are being threatened, he'll squeal about DEEP SYMBOLISM AND SUBTEXT and NUANCE and all sorts of religious hyperbole and crap like that and the normalfag will watch it.
The two most recommended anime normalfags are given are Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion.
I get how you think you're special and unique and uniquely special and specially unique and I get how you lot are comprised of mostly male virgins who all think women are some form of alien creatures, anime is real, and your penises are all powerful magic wands, but literally the first two anime I was forced to watch by a slobbery neckbeard back in the late 90's was Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion.
people still push it as the grail of anime. I've been all over the US- Oregon, Idaho, North Dakota, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and everyone everywhere pushes Evangelion like it's a mandatory course you have to take before you're considered a "real" anime fan.
Settle the fuck down.