>>213731618>>213731619I really don't think I'm being hopeful. The way things were done in that arc doesn't make sense. Deepa was killed off without a backstory and the Hashirama Cell, which we spent so much time trying to retrieve, was only used to grow an imitation God Tree that ultimately accomplished nothing. If Deepa were a Fabrication, then it'd make sense for him to be rebuilt by Amado, and using the Hashirama cells to upgrade him is a logical next step. Finally, there's a precedence of a character being introduced in the anime and making an appearance and playing a role in the manga with Sumire, and they're both purple.
As for Boro, the guy regenerated both halves of his body at multiple points in the fight, and I don't believe that you can regenerate your entire fucking head and still end up getting killed by a big blue ball that didn't even completely swallow him. Also, I don't even think Isshiki referred to him as being "dead" once throughout the whole series. Defeated or taken down, sure, but not outright killed.
Isshiki's revival is a foregone conclusion since he's currently the big bad of the series and Kawaki has his Karma in the flash-forward.
I feel like what we're going for with Kara is a reverse of the Akatsuki, who were introduced, had their fights, then died and stayed dead unless they were made an Edo Tensei. Kara will be different in that they'll appear to die, but be brought back to life at the end of part 1. Their sheer difficulty to kill is what will make them a greater threat than the Akatsuki and is what will make them unique. This is all because of the advancement of technology in the shinobi world and it being fused with traditional chakra techniques.
>Only Code remains and we don't know what he's going to doMy guess would be reactivate Delta, retrieve Boro's remains and bring him back, then wake up Isshiki using a backup vessel body they had hidden in his timeless dimension the whole time.
Code is the key to all of this.