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Shingeki no Kyojin SERIOUS thread

No.219974829 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is anyone else still in a state of shock? It's been a day and I still cannot process what I've witnessed, I'm struggling to focus on other things because of how big of a betrayal this final chapter was.

You might point at me and laugh and call me a Snkek or a faggot for getting so emotionally invested in Mongolian cave drawings and you'd be right, but fuck does it hurt. SnK isn't even my favourite ongoing anime/manga series but by god it is probably the one I've sank the most time into over the years. To see it end like this with literally every character getting straight up assassinated is... just not nice. I can't even look back at the kino chapters of 100/119-123/131 or the iconic anime scenes or even superficial stuff like the fantastic soundtrack without wanting to gag now. The fact that Yams didn't even have the audacity to make the ending shit on its own but retroactively DESTROY the entire story beforehand is the worst part about all this.

I guess I can hold out hope for the tiniest chance that Mappa change up part 2 to have an anime-original ending but we all know that's a fucking pipe dream since Yams is basically the head of the committee.