Shimeji Simulation teaser PV description
>It starts out similar to the first chapter, where Shijima awakens out of her closet and is greeted by Big Sis, a 1:1 of the original manga now animated, as the trailer hypes up as a big deal that Tkmiz is coming back to anime. It then begins to quickly shift into footage of Shijima meeting Majime for the first time, as well as the first day of the Hole Digging Club. Brief character spotlights of Shijima, Majime, Ms. Mogawa, Sumida, Big Sis, and The Gardener are shown recreating early from the manga now animated, as well as a tagline describing how it's from the author behind Girls' Last Tour. The anime is in a 2:39:1 widescreen aspect ratio. After an animated version of the second chapter's end page of Shijima and a large fish sitting together, the PV ends with the Shimeji Simulation anime logo and confirming the release year of 2025. The key art shown at the end is a recreation of the original Comic Cune cover in the field, remade to resemble the anime designs, which are the same as the manga.