>>277418864>What large vehicle? The one from her dreams?There's no evidence to prove that is a dream..
>So it's not the same?It's exactly the same.
>Apparently, she's Oolong's classmate...May I see some proof?
>And his function was?To supervise?
>We need data.Why do you need data?
>He never said that...He did say that..
>The tv product derives from the manga.Why didn't the promo specify that?
>Not opinions, facts.Okay, so where are the facts?
>On what?On how much intervention is involved?
>Buu was defeated from PURE, benevolent energy.Buu was still defeated by a technique used by a mortal..
>Pan was the one who harassed him.Pan needed reassurance that her place on the ship was secured..
>Started how?By speaking the same language of the Para Para Bros.
>Proof?Eh? Pic related? It's impossible to refute.
>The way he pushed his fingers together?As comical as it may have been, it still doesn't refute the fact that Goten was ignoring the plight of the Earth.
>Not when there's need to keep some secrecy...What do you mean by that?
>That means they are unable to learn them, making that ability useless.The Machine Mutants learn through observation, which is no different to how Goku learns new techniques..
>That's not true and you know it.Pic related? Why is he just hovering around her like that?
>What about my collage, showing all the facts?Giru has no signs of damage..
>From Goku and Gohan.Has she ever experienced it for herself?
>I dobt it, also, he's too short.Vegeta is the only one with the most experience in space flight.
>Pan and Vegeta?Vegeta was the one who trained Pan.
>There's more skin than shirt showing...A T-shirt is not supposed to have any sleeves, which is why the skin of her arms can be seen.
>Right, genuine and meaningful evil smiles?May I see some proof of Pan's evil smiles?