>>133250682You know what I hate any episode that implies a STUPID local trouble making nuisance brat like Bart has a good future. Even during the golden seasons Bart openly said that even when he studies he still fails. And I hate the dishonestly. Bart is indeed doomed to being a failure. He's stupid, he has no charisma since everywhere he goes he causes problems for everyone else, and it gets tiresome. Bart being presented as having a future is stupid shit. Much less does he have a future in law. The only thing Bart will accomplish in law is become a prison inmate when he inevitably commits a crime like property damage not having money to pay so he goes into debtor prison. That is where Bart is headed.
Lisa is shit make no mistake. Hell Marge is shit too and obviously Homer is shit. Maggie is not even a real character. But I'm tired of the Bart defense force. He is shit like the majority of his family.