>>135583645>but ever since I fell for Tiff I've grown to hate the little shit, maybe it's because he feels like a twisted reflection of actual love,I was lurking the MLAATR fanbase discord to steal art (not posting there, because as I said the other day. I only like socializing on 4chan) and I saw that one of the creators, John Fountain, who posts there, basically said that if he had it his way, Jenny would eventually start properly dating the Silver Shell, would then learn who the Shell actually is, actually fall in love with Sheldon, and then Sheldon would break up with her (absolutely tearing Jenny apart emotionally) Because Sheldon never really liked Jenny's personality, and just had a Jenny infatuation because she was nice to him alongside his robot fetish. So yeah, every single aspect of Sheldon is trash, and he doesn't even love Jenny, or anyone really, he's too autistic to love. I don't even think Tiff would be happily married to him, sure she would be rich (though I get the impression she comes from money herself) but Sheldon wouldn't give a shit about her, she'd just be a way to make heirs to his company in his autistic worldview. Tiff is materialistic, but I don't think she's materialistic enough to be happy as a trophy wife to some rich incel.
>I think she'd likely want to have kids with you, even if I'm not sure what type she'd like to have, that's a question that Jenny throughout all of the show never came close to thinking about.True, I don't think she even really understands how reproduction works really (even if that's unrealistic for a high schooler) I wouldn't push anything on her, and just let her naturally learn about sex and children on her own, and then let her approach me on anything relating to those when she wanted to. If Jenny wasn't interested in those things, that would be fine with me, and if she wanted kids, I would have my reservations as stated, but I would oblige her, and I would still love them all dearly.