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No.118432567 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have limited knowledge about the plot of Shang Chi

Tournament is 16 people. Obviously Shang Chi and Fah Lo Suee are both in the tournament. Mandarin stacks the deck in his favor so he can be sure to win the rings.

Spiral- 6 armed mutant. Doesn't get a lot of story dedicated to her

Baron Mordo - he doesn't actually fight in the tournament because Wong takes him out, but he wanted the 10 rings to help rid the world of sorcerors. His place in the tournament is taken by Clive Reston, who is eliminated and captured by Mandarin (that's sort of a twist though) Wong sticks around to guide Shang longer than you'd think

Batroc the Leaper, unclear who he is working for but he's definitely a hired gun. Him and Omega Red have a fun dynamic like buddy cops.

Omega Red- needless explanation. Seeks the 10 rings for Russia

T-Ray - some c-list deadpool character who can teleport who gets a weirdly huge amount of focus before being defeated by Shang Chi

a Black Widow named Felicia- not really a character

Whiz Kid - some kind of techno mutant. Develops a good friendship with Shang. Fahlee demolishes him

White Claw- some native american warrior guy? Idk

Daneka- a female Asgardian who has been sent by Valkyrie to investigate and compete in the tournament. She is killed by Omega Red

Avok- a vampire who is the funniest character in the entire movie. Takes out Omega Red due to not having any life force to drain or something?

The other 4 people are just martial artists who may or may not be named. I've seen them have various different names genders and ages at different points in the script. One of them was originally an old man who was really disciplined and was a lesson from Mandarin to Shang, but most recent draft I saw that was cut.

As you can guess, it comes down to Shang Chi and Fah Lo Suee at the end. Shang defeats her, wins the ten rings. Fing Fang Foom is accidentally unleashed. Mandarin, Fah and Shang defeat him together. Fah and Shang defeat Mandarin.