>>144064772Early Clara was fantastic, as it was the perfect mix of drama, social discussion and comedy, especially when a story focused on Clara's bastard son and how he kept asking her who was his father and when he was finally going to come home. Then it switched to a full comedy style and it became the shit you say it is.
Probably one of the best early Clara story was that bittersweet Christmas story where she pays a man to pose as Pablito's father and claim he was a ship captain always sailing around the globe to justify his long absense, so her poor child finally has the happy Christmas he longed for so long and Clara herself finally gets to lift part of the crazy heavy load she carried with her as Pablity, Clara and even the fake dad are having a genuinely merry Christmas...
... and then the comic shifts to an outside view, where a man is watching everything through a window and after a moment, quietly turns around and walks away, as he fully understood what was going on and why Clara did what she did. He was the man who raped Clara when she was just a teenager, and for a long time, he had been trying to find her to apologize for the horrible thing he did to her, and was genuinely meaning to compensate her and try to give her the life that both her and their son deserved, but after watching how Clara had moved on with her life and how deeply she loved her son, the man decides that Clara and Pablito will be happier if they never met him... and if Pablito never finds out that he is his real father.
The man, eaten by guilt, walks away into the night and is never seen again.