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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 101

No.5582549 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>look all over /d/
>no Fart Thread

Let's fix that.
313 posts and 164 images omitted

Breast Expansion Thread

No.6531078 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Let's start a new one!
332 posts and 126 images omitted

No.5973765 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Futa on Male
17 posts and 14 images omitted

No.6513480 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I must come clean /d/...
I love... hand holding
156 posts and 78 images omitted

No.5638914 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
tg thread, m2f transformation, body swap, headswaps, possession, etc. [spoiler:lit] please more pictures less talking [/spoiler:lit]
327 posts and 126 images omitted

Loli futa? Loli futa.

No.6531701 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Super Deepthroat Thread 9

No.5697840 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
SDT, /d/ edition.

>What is SDT?
Super Deepthroat, a flash-based blowjob simulator made by Konashion. Kona has been missing for over a year, so the vanilla game hasn't been updated in that time. Instead, new mods use the Loader.

>What is the Loader?
The loader is needed to load any mod on the Loader board. Do not complain if Loader mods don't work with vanilla SDT.
The Loader password is 'loader'. Any questions about the password will be ignored.

>What is the Position mod?
It's called Animtools. If you see someone not just giving a blowjob in the default positions, this is the mod being used. It's a Loader mod, in Sby's thread:

>Wait, is the futa/trap giving the blowjob cumming?
Yes. There's a recent loader mod called MakeHerCum, which may be relevant to /d/'s interests:

The old /d/ thread is here >>5690916
There's an /h/ thread for non-/d/ stuff >>>/h/3760078
There's also a torrent of the mod archive >>>/t/616754

The theme of these threads is "post yourself as a trap/futa", but be sure to post a screenshot if you use one of the character codes posted here.

Pastebin for character codes is here

Also don't forget to create a name for your trap!
311 posts and 115 images omitted

Describe your slave

No.6337256 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Create a slave and describe her so I can put her into my game.

I am currently teaching myself Twine by making a straightforward but very /d/ text-based h-game. Most of the slaves in the game are randomly generated, but I'm including a list of hard-coded slaves that can be acquired randomly or as rewards. The idea is that the player isn't the first to own these slaves; they need to show the effects of a previous master's alterations.

So, /d/, imagine yourself wealthy and unencumbered by morals, in a world where slavery exists, but otherwise identical to our own. (Notably, this means modern medicine only; dick transplantation is right out.) Describe your slave to me, and I'll put her in the game as best I can. I like the idea of having /d/-generated slaves in the game, in addition to my own creations and randoms – and I trust /d/ can be more fucked up collectively than I ever could manage on my own. So:

What's her slave name?
How obedient is she?
What's her general appearance? (I can derive stats from a picture or a verbal description.)
Does she have any surgical alterations, like implants?
Does she have any tattoos, piercings, or other cosmetic modifications?
How sexually experienced is she?
...and, of course, anything else significant, though I can't promise I have a stat for it.
303 posts and 67 images omitted

I have a weird fetish.

No.6515223 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm going to talk about it while posting pics of cute robot girl transformation art I found.

See, I like transformation into things where you'd normally expect the subject's mind to be rewritten, but for them to retain their personality and free will.

I think that's way more interesting than corrupting or brainwashing them into something else because I want to see how they think and feel and adapt to the situation.

Robot girls especially are what I'd like to see this in. I even came up with a complex scenario for it.
168 posts and 58 images omitted

Elastic/Rubber/Stretchy Thread

No.5953507 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
For enthusiasts of malleable women. Great thread last time, autosaged. Can be found here.
309 posts and 100 images omitted