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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
/d/ I need some help, I know this probably isn't the place to be asking but I've asked and looked everywhere else and came up with jack shit.
What I'm looking for is a fap fic set in the Aliens universe, it was kind of a AU Fic on what if the Marines never went to LV-426. The plot follows Newt and the other captured females as the Xenos start using them for breeding and how they're all mentally broken through out the fic. It eventually gets to the point that they love being used by the Xenos and in turn, start to love them as well. Seeing them as 'caretakers'.
I can't remember the name. It was something like "Newts Diary' or something, but nothing comes up for it on Google. It was a really good read and I'd love to read it again, but so far no luck in finding it.
Anything goes, so long as it fits the subject. Post stories too, if you got them. Kind of hard to find this sort of stuff without being bogged down under furry art.