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So there used to be this story on deviantart, I could find it by searching "full moon futa". It was about a girl who grew a big dick and balls during the full moon, and sometimes when she got really aroused. She had a friend who became her lover, and she would cum in this friend so much that the friend would inflate. The inflation would get even more if the moonlight struck the friend while she was filled with cum; it would cause the cum inside her to bubble and expand.
If the futa got really aroused her cock and balls would just keep growing; the second chapter of the story is about the futa girl getting her dick in class, and she goes to the bathroom and sits in the stall and it just grows and grows and she can't help but stroke it but she doesn't dare cum all over the bathroom. Her lover shows up, and sees the futa's balls grow to the size of basketballs, and then she mounts her and inflates so much she fills the stall.
Later they are living together; the girl has a permanently inflated belly like she's super preggers now. She buys a shirt that fits snugly and has buttons, and challenges her futa lover to inflate her so much it bursts.
I must find this story, it's been driving me nuts. Google is no help. So to aid the search i shall be sharing Cum-inflation porn (my fav. fetish anyways). Maybe if we share enough of it the gods of erotica will look favorably on us.
This one is a bit harder to come by and you'll find lots of things that are similar but not quite. Typically, I think of the drain fetish as any character affected by any device/magic/intercourse that is separated from their energy or "life force" until they pass out or expire. Since this extends into "guro" territory I don't think you'll see the latter that often on 4chan. Since this fetish is rather obscure to begin with that only leaves energy drain which is niché of the niché to be sure.
Generally think the drain fetish focuses on one character (usually) submissively either from the start or after being broken into it, giving up their life force/energy to a dominant character/device. The most common theme for this would be the succubus but more often than not they tend end up as cum guzzling fetishists themselves in most of their appearances in porn. Cell from dragon ball z pulls double duty being vorish with the bell tale and life drainish with the syringe tail. There's some nice pictures of a female cell going at krillin but I don't have those on me.
I think the biggest reference you could draw for this would be sailor moon which is a little frustrating since that series seems to fetishize women in sailor suits/sailor moon characters rather than the aforementioned drain fetish. At least in the porn department.
Here's some fetishes that come close to what I'm looking for and are technically "drain fetish" material but don't quite do it for me. - Lactation- fairly close but I think this fetish revolves around the concept of milking with the only out come being milk and or cum. Tentacle rape- Tentacles having a somewhat ambiguous nature by default (unless they're shaped exactly like dicks) however you'll often find them jizzing rather than draining. occasionally you'll see them drain something but the latter tentacle is quite rare I've found.