>>6143997i didn't know. was the only copy I had I think. my stuff is pretty disorganized right now.
>>6143975There's too much Flonne.. Never enough Plenair. Come back with Plenair, pretty please!
>>6143981they're tagged but uh.. the way the program works is it gives the image an index number, so the slot in the folder it was in was 16,188. the unsorted folder has something like 19k images in it but it's just all of my stuff, not just diaper images. There's probably only 100 - 300 pictures in that specific folder, once they're all sorted they'll be named Diaper 1, Diaper 2, Diaper 3, etc. This is how it is now. At least it's easy to search.
Program i use is imgtags btw. Amazing tag program if you've got absolute tons of stuff to sort.
>>6144187>>6144297that was me, not him btw. I always try to post with an image. I'm not upset and I don't really care what you think to be honest. I found it adorable and basically that's all that matters.