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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 144

Futabu!! 2 Guest

No.6080316 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Just saw the updated page for the new Futabu!! series on Getchu. Maybe i'm reading too much into it, but the new dark-skinned girl and her choice of dress is getting me excited that the next guest character will be murican!..... perhaps? It's out may 1st, here's a link
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Globalized fetishes

No.5070426 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
In keeping with the Halloween spirit, the more fucked up the better.
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No.5265423 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Which ones would you choose?
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Alternative endings

No.6135162 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
so i was wondering if you guys in /d/ could make and alternative ending for the gravity falls episode:
"Soos and the real girl"

Role Reversal and Gentle Femdom General

No.6135954 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Role-Reversal and Gentle Femdom General - Assisted Rape Edition

>related hentai
>monster girls
>general lewdness
>dลjinshi recommendations
>anime/manga recommendations
>preferably recommendations that are on-topic
>friendly discussion
>no drama or shitposting, whatsoever, honestly

Previous Thread: >>6120908

>What is Role Reversal?

Role Reversal Map

irc channel: , #gfd

/rr/ and /gfd/ megapastebins:
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BDSM general #223!

!JxL5IEsy0E No.5811795 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/bdsmg/ -- BDSM & D/s General No. 223

BDSM discussion, stories, questions, random fantasies, just keep it polite and civil.

Fetlife Group ->

irc channel: , #bdsmg

Old thread: >>5808840

Starter Question: Toys! what do you have? what do you want?
303 posts and 190 images omitted

Omorashi thread: Save a pic, drink half a glass edition.

No.6095053 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
And no bathroom breaks till you get repeating digits on an image post.
39 posts and 36 images omitted

Sapphirefoxx Premuim - M2F, F2M, F2F, Bodysuit, AR, AP

No.6079311 View ViewReplyOriginalReport!8pJV0D6Y!3s3B-SRzO0nU7fep3-GpAg
^^ link to all of the premium content on
if you care or need something to kill the time while you download it, then continue reading..
Hey guys, so like 4 days ago my girlfriend found my fetish folder containing M2F, F2F, AP, AR ect.. which I honestly hadn’t touched in months, and well after an extremely long awkward conversation of me trying to explain that it was a “phase” she obviously demanded that I delete it. I did it cause I’m a fucking beta but of course I had a backup saved deep in my old rig.
Since then, I’ve decided to just completely stop with these fetishes. I’m hoping to one day get married and settle down and think of what the conversation would be like if one of the kids found daddy’s M2F folder, plus call me a faggot but I just wanna respect my girlfriend on this. Relationships are about sacrifice right?
Anyways, I was originally going to just dump my entire 13 gig collection but it probably isn’t ecchi enough for most of you plus not all of it is in manga/anime. I wanted to give back to this fucked up community that shared my fucked up fetishes and gave me disgusting, weird, and great fapping material over the years. So I was looking around and I saw that at least a few of you were looking for links to Sapphirefox premium content, and bam for the first time ever, I gave that jew $5. Try not to cringe, I know his content is pretty shit but what else can I do for you guys? Everything else is free. Yeah theyre C-tier at best but think of it as Forbidden Fruit, you were never gonna see it, but now you can. Maybe if you lower your expectations enough you’ll even like it!
But as long as even one of you gets a jerk or even a laugh from this then it was $5 well spent.
As for me, I’m done. It was a pleasure lurking, conversing and exchanging shit with you sick fucks for all these years. Have a good life guys, thx for everything ~
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No.5448683 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone have Jam-Orbitals Bondage lily game or pic-sales and would be willing to share a download?

Cluedog - Common Courtesy

No.6011661 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thought you'd like this.
Got it a good while ago, then got a bit salty because the fetishes in it had been grossly fucking misrepresented in the description, meaning that I got something completely different than the description and the previews suggested. I spent the meantime being slightly mad, but now it's time to give back to the community. I'll put it up here so people can buy it if they like it (and since Cluedog is a great artist, do please consider it), but I feel shafted by a certain money-grubbing commission monger (who only gives the artists 30% of the proceeds and pockets the rest for himself) and want others to be able to see it before they fall in the same hole as me.
So without further ado, have a link.
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