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As the subject line says, I thought up this beastly race in the shower, and there's nowhere it fits better than here. I haven't decided exactly what it looks like yet (my artistic skills are decidedly lacking), and I haven't even thought up a name for it. I don't know what will happen to it in the wild - this thread might be ignored, or maybe it will catch on. A drawfag or two might get interested and actually draw the thing, who knows. But it deserves the chance to live, so I'm leaving its fate up to you, /d/.
Members of the race display strong sexual dimorphism: males are large and brutish, with large, brutish manhoods, whereas females are smaller and weaker (but still larger and stronger than humans). Because of this size difference, sexual relations are almost always very painful for the female, and thus sex and pregnancies are almost always the result of rape. This produces evolutionary pressure for larger, stronger males, better able to capture and subdue a mate. The species is viviparous and births litters of young, so the pregnancy itself is also very physically demanding - once gravid, females are almost immobile, so they must be either clever enough to prepare and conceal a stash of food beforehand, or hardy enough to fast for the last few months of pregnancy (again, both excellent traits to pass on to offspring). Once born, the litters are separated - males are cast out to forage for themselves, females are raised as best the mother is able, but they leave early; multiple females together is an easy, tempting target for roving young males.
Now, on to the fetishy bits. Males would be attracted to human women, seeing them as easy targets. Thus, monster rape. Females would be attracted to human men, jumping at the possibility to be in control and actually enjoy themselves for once. Thus, reverse-rape, monstergirls, etc. Also, since the species is indeterminate, there could be some degree of compatibility with humans, thus pregnancy.
ITT: Post that one picture you just keep coming back to, the one you can't stop jerking to.
For me its this one because: >Homura is fucking hot >dat body >selfcest >futanari >group >group futanari selfcest >bukkake >fucking group futanari selfcest