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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 161

No.5826764 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, Has anyone got Beyond Rubies 8 and 9? I've been trying to find them but its bloody impossible. At this rate I'm almost considering waiting until 10 comes out and paying for a month of MCC membership

Colony Quest #3-Where oh where did my thread just go?

!BHXNrqi4GU No.5915322 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>sorry I have to make a new thread for these last updates, old one vanished while i was writing

Ready to cum? You were ready to cum a lifetime ago. Now you need to cum, you’ll do anything to experience it. But you can’t explain that, you can’t voice how your life might depend on this one orgasm. All you can do is whimper out two phrases.

“Yes Mistress, please Mistress,” as your mantra changes, Irene pulls you to her chest, gently spinning you until your back rests against the floor. Once you’re set down and as relaxed as possible, she begins that wonderful, torturous pounding of your asshole. You resume your begging for just a few thrusts before your scientist cuts you off with a strangely gentle kiss and unclasps the plastic band around your cock. You scream into Irene’s mouth as your whole body shudders, cum spewing from your dick like champagne from a bottle. The twitching of your ass and the first jet of cum impacting against her breast sets off Irene, who arches her body away from yours and moans throatily as she manages to drive her cock slightly deeper into your ass. As the next blast of cum spews from your own dick to spatter across your chest, you feel the scientist’s phallus pulse within your rectum and start to let loose its own seed. The pulsing against your prostate makes your third detonation of jizz stronger than the first two, covering your face and partially filling your open mouth. Your hands clutch at Irene’s back, and hips, and arms, looking for something solid to hold as your whole world dissolves slightly more with each twitch of your manhood.
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Colony Quest Thread#2

!BHXNrqi4GU No.5912636 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Your name is Alex Kennedy,a pilot and part of the leadership in charge of colonizing Titan. Currently, you're getting to know some other crew members by getting drunk and playing Truth or Dare

First Thread-
236 posts and 50 images omitted

Caption General: Why the fuck do these keep getting deleted edition

No.5908318 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Because there are, in fact, captions that aren't futa on male.
140 posts and 102 images omitted

3d Intelligence Regression

No.5138914 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I saw a short 3d western image set on /d/ once, could anyone help me find it? I don't really know how to describe the details besides calling it "Intelligence Regression"; the girl in the image set has a number on her forehead, which counts down from ten, and each time she gets dumber. There's also pregnant and birth in it. I know that's not much, but if anyone could find it that'd be cool as fuck

No.5490940 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Well, /d/, I think I may have just watched the best hentai I've ever seen (or perhaps I'm just easy to please). It's the second episode of Mimia Cute, an excellent 3DCG futa/trap hentai.

I've seen all three of their hentai now, but episode 2 was just beyond anything else.

ITT: 3DCG hentai, preferably futa or trap, but anything is welcome.
25 posts and 7 images omitted

succubus/demoness draining men

No.5867975 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Im sick of you little closet gays and your cock on cock dressed up as this and that. I challenge you to find and post the best female demon creature seducing men and draining their life thru repeated cumming until the man dies. Thats what really gets this boat floating. Lets go!
11 posts and 10 images omitted

Bodysuit Thread

No.5689680 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread: >>5635476

Bodysuit, skinsuit, masking, kawamono. However you call it.
220 posts and 114 images omitted

Bodysuit thread

No.5889973 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Bodysuit, skinsuit, kawamono, etc.

Last thread: >>5834441
317 posts and 100 images omitted

Bring out your (brain)dead

No.5871393 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I don't care if they've been bimboficated, hypnotised, mind flayed, lobotomised or drugged, I just don't want them thinking.