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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 165
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Hi /d/ I posted the first half of this a couple months ago and have now finished the whole thing. Back then I thought it would be about 70 pages, but it ended up at 85 (making it almost as long as the 3 previous chapters taken together). Contains all-the-way-through, futa on male (duh), male on futa, futa on futa, transformation, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Also I added a page between 34 and 35.
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>>5894444 Thank you based quads
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>>5894272 breakfast of champions. his sister should be the next in the line.
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>>5897221 I'll make a new one when I have something new to post, which probably will not be before 2015.
See you then. :)
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>>5163694 Leads to the adult check in and bounces to the main site =(
Bodysuit/Skinsuit/Disguise Thread
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Bodysuit aka skinsuit-like forms of disguises
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>>5889909 Isn't there one more at the end of this? Pick unrelated.
Looks like the thread has reached its limit. Anyone inclined to make a new one?
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>>5883146 I really dont understand how people can enjoy 'normal' porn. Who the fuck wants to watch a laughable attempt at plot for the first 10 minutes and a dick getting sucked for the following 25?
>>5883487 Why are you watching porn for plot?
>Who the fuck wants to watch a dick getting sucked for the following 25? People who like dick sucking
>>5883551 But why did she even call a repairman if she couldn't pay him?
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>>5880876 There's a very slim chance this fetish could be realized, in a way, provided people focus on the right technology. Controlling a robot arm with your brain? Currently possible with modern technology. Receiving input from said arm to give a certain level of touch-like feedback? Theoretically possible, something we can do but needs more work. Controlling a large android or very small one via a wireless chip in your brain, and feeling all the things it feels? Decades away maybe, but technically possible. It'd help that such technology would have other uses.
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>>5883586 I needed a laugh tonight, thanks.
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would like more from this website/group since its impossible to find site rips
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Is there any chance that someone, anyone could get and post Master PC the Ultimate Gift 5-7
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bumping for trancetory takeover or the last few issues of master PC
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bumping for trancetory takeover 4-6
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Hey guys let's talk about /d/ games. I played a lot of Corruption of champions Deeper dungeon (rags and "dice") Cursed Trap Quest Super Deep Throat simulator Anyone got anything to recomend? I would like something like Deeper dungeon the most, but anything othe is cool too.
>>5877076 >It's just one giant QTE. What mode are you using? Keyboard works fine for me.
>>5876975 >It's pretty specifically for Transformation fetish but there was a latex drone and sissy thing too... I haven't been able to trigger sissy/latex drone, all I seem to get are transformation into a woman.
>>5877081 >mouse Die to rats in THREE SECONDS because I don't know what's going on.
>keyboard Six or seven death-mutate-restart loops to win because the 'game' arbitrarily decides to hurt me anyway when I block successfully, and to do basically no damage on attacks that hit.
>diecroll Powergrind through 3 enemies in a row just holding spacebar with no troubles at all.
10/10 balance there.
>>5877100 >because the 'game' arbitrarily decides to hurt me anyway when I block successfully, and to do basically no damage on attacks that hit. How much did you put into defense (toughness IIRC)? If it's too low you'll lose health even if you block
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>>5877109 I used a 3/2/2/3 build. The damage done varied randomly between nothing and the same as not blocking at all.
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Why in the fuck was this deleted?
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Aliens and monsters and spirits oh my! Anything where someone is somehow being inhabited by something else is welcome.
>>5883047 >>5882859 >tfw you will never have a parasite that had infested you take good care of you by helping with dishes, brushing your hair/teeth in the morning or keep perverts from fondling you on the train. Anonymous
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>>5883073 We call it Kevin.
>>5883073 looks more like
>forces innocent men to fondle you Anonymous
>>5883575 The Japanese seems to the original theory: the moonrunes next to the dude's head are calling him a molester.
There are too many kanji I'm unfamiliar with in the description for me to bother translating that, so I could very well be wrong, of course.
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>>5883608 Yea, I'd love to get a translation on this sometime. Definitely my favorite parasite story. A shame its so short. :<
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Gardevoir thread since last thread is just about to 404. Don't Test the Waters Edition You may post other pokes from this list: Ralts Line Medicham Hitmon line Jynx Banette line Misdreavus Line Vespiquen Roselia/Roserade Bellossom Lilligant Froslass Gothorita/Gothitelle Meloetta Florges Leavanny Ask before you post something not from this list.
>>5870494 >All this Gjinka how about no
>>5870520 love the glasses
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>>5870522 I suppose I could give one in return
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Well this stinks. Back to /b/ box I guess...
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A few days ago we had an enjoyable MILF thread where we discussed (Among other things) a neighbourhood populated by /d/ inclined housewives. One kind anon was even writing a short story about the concept. So, y'know, roll on thread #2.
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>>5804003 O-oh my. She looks just as helpless as I intended 2 to be...
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>>5801600 >This gallery has been removed, and is unavailable. PANIC.jpg
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>>5802724 >>5803162 He was totally 20. It was a very joyful moment, but I was very frustrated, since we just slept. Some weeks later he moved far away for work and didn't call back again. So, nothing that weird.
I'm only 23 btw. Really, nothing sinister.
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anyone for bodysuits that turns the wearer into a curvy busty milf in her 30's ?
I want to get my fiancée into futanari. We enjoy watching hentai together but this is one fetish I particularly like that does not come up in what we watch. I want to introduce it to her gently so she doesn't get scarred off by it. Would you be able to recommend any hentai anime that feature futanari but don't completely revolve around it?
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>>5851928 Can confirm, this also got me into futa.
... And I just had a wonderful nostalgia fap so it's all good.
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>>5825601 >watching porn together Oh man this is a recipe for disaster. You're a moron. I hope you're both psychopaths, because normal people can't hold a relationship on an interest solely on porn.
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Princess • Princess Hnnghhh <3