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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 167
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
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No corruption thread? Well ain't that a bitch! Let's fix this!
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>>5889276 For the most part, the chanted word is related in some way to some act or part of the outfit associated with the particular pose-combo. Haigure is derived from hai-regu, which itself is a reference to the high-leg leotard associated with the pose-combo; Koumon (also spelled "kooman") is a corruption of "omanko," which means "pussy"—obviously a reference to the pose, which puts the pussy on full display, as well as the veil. I'm not too sure what kebaraba stands for, but I'm guessing the "raba" part is short for the Japanization of "rubber," referring to the bodysuit.
There are some similar pose-combos, including leotaa (the victim stands in a gymnastics stretching pose while wearing a traditional gymnast's leotard), onarabii (the victim is in a playboy-style bunny suit, and brainwashing is passed along via farting (onara ("fart") + rabbit), etc. They can get pretty specific, and fairly odd, even by haigure's already peculiar standards.
Anonymous So it looks like the Zofa shit isn't all powerful and it's still possible for the Dina to break free with their own free will.. or something?
>>5889870 And apparently the zofa cells and the Dina cells are one and the same, only with "positive" and "negative" charges
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
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>>5888266 I don't know. This is one of the few images from this artist, that I think are the closest to convey corruption.
>>5888404 It's just censoring. There's actually more to that image. Check out the artist's Pixiv page to find more. >>5889276 Aw man. Guess someone's got to make a new thread soon.
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>>5889950 >>5889870 Or she took the 'antidote' they made, as evidenced by the syringe-like-thing in the bottom left.
Shrunken woman/koonago/minigirl/tiny girl thread
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Shrinking women, already shrunken ladies, and fairies are welcome here!
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anybody got pics from becoming the story by cluedog?
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Breast expansion thread time, perhaps?
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>>4817454 bump spamming not wanted or needed
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>>4793240 OH GOD !!
Thanks for reminding me, that this artists still exists ... more for muh gallery
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anyone downloaded becoming the story common courtesy or any other things made by cluedog
Which one is a perpetual thorn in your side? For me, it's imprisonment (a natural component of many BAD ENDs). There are so very, very many stories that feature fetishes I'm a huge fan of, but then all of a sudden... There's no choices left to someone, and they just have to live with the way things are going to be. It's especially prominent in stories featuring humiliation, and it replaces my excitement with nausea. I get that there's an appeal, but I experience so far the opposite that this thing, imprisonment, has become something I detest. Provide a pic related, naturally!
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>>5852799 >Guys don't GET fucked; we Do the Fucking God gave you a prostate and an asshole for a reason anon.
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>>5852824 Oh, and another one is glasses. I don't know why, but for some reason glasses on a character is always an instant boner kill for me. It's really ironic considering that I myself wear glasses, but then even in IRL sexual activities I always have to take my glasses off to enjoy myself, even though it means I can't see shit.
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>scat It's ruined a few otherwise excellent corruption comics for me.>Anything where it's obvious that the fetish is an actual, honest-to-god, I-have-mental-issues fetish and not merely for fun or imagination. For example: >Racial fetishism. I don't mean "having X race in the porn", I mean the stuff where fucking a black person is made out to be some kind of taboo and the black people are drawn like stereotypes of the 50's. I'm not even black, and this is still super fucked up. Ironically, I think Western art is worse with this because they actually drawn gangster-looking black people whereas Japanese art just draws them as straight up apes. At least in Japanese art it's obvious that the artist knows they're drawing a caricature of black people, with the Western shit you just don't know.>TF porn with actual tranny drama I am 100% fine people doing whatever the hell they want to their bodies, but doing so because they believe they were "forced" to or were "born that way" instantly converts my boner into pure rage. If a natural male thinks it would be easier or nicer or more comfortable to live as a female, go for it. If a natural male thinks he was literally born with the mind of a female and that he cannot live life as a male, that is goddamn delusional.
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>>5852216 Fetishization of despair.
Sex is supposed to be fun and faps. Even if it's mindbreak, it's girls being happier in the end than in the beginning. Netorare/cheating is digestible as long as it doesn't focus on the brooding of beta.
Stuff like and the entire ending of is a big nope for me.
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For me it's pussy licking, I just don't see any pleasure in that, always getting the feeling of vomiting whenever I see one.
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Can I get some futa moms?
>>4853870 everyone has a line...this is my line lol too much
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>>4853907 yeah it looks really sketchy and i wasn't thinking about keeping it hidden so there's that
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I saw on here a while ago a sequence from a manga where a princess was turned into a pig the more she enjoyed getting fucked in public, anyone got it? Also, tf thread.
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>>5829611 The irony is palpable and that only gets me harder
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>>5828565 why does this artist look familiar...
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Any1 know name of the pig tf that was posted
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And not in a cute furry way, but humiliatingly and against their will. Preferably farm animals/chattle.
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Whats the name of the doujin girl turning into a pig?
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I love tentacle porn, especially when the girl gets filled up with cum, eggs, or lil' cute baby tentacles. It's almost as if she were an empty tank before the fucking and a full one after. For some reason, that just turns me on like no other. But the question is, can this sort of thing actually happen in real life? This question is split into two sub-questions, both of which relate to the overall inquiry.>>Is it possible for an average, normal woman's uterus to expand enough to become a womb in -say- less than a minute? I predict that the consensus for this question will be "no". It doesn't seem anatomically possible, but hey, it's not like I know anything about biology or anatomy!>>Can a woman's womb re-expand after she gives birth so that she continues to appear pregnant? This is the main question I've been wrestling with. As long as you conduct the procedure properly and carefully, it should be possible without injury, right? The inner lining of the womb must also be somewhat resilient considering that babies kick around in there and stuff. Maybe it's not actually that resilient and there's just a very low coefficient of friction between the baby and the womb. Beats me. I'd love to know the answers to either or both of these questions, so if you are able to shed light on the topic, I'd be very grateful. In the meantime, I'll be dumping some tentacle inflation hentai as incentive. tl;dr how is babby formed how girl get pragnent (Please, no futa. Sorry!)
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>>5136534 >well it's happened to me before and i'd rather not risk it. Oh, I know it happens. I'm saying I hate that you have to censor yourself because of it.
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>>5135445 Together or apart?
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>>5139921 please stop bump spamming
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is ot wrong if i like t see a stomach burst open? not IRL, but in hentai, I even like a little bit of gore in my porn... is it wrong?
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egg thread :3 preferably being inserted but laying is fine too
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>>5341784 Now imagine a hundred years in the future, they have something just like this except there's tactile feedback. Awesome.
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Who has hentai pegging pics?
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top notch thread