Bonus Bad End Smut:
Catgirl by bored writefag: Kisses by MudkipSage: Innocent by Paige: by MudkipSage: by Mon Woot: Info:
[email protected]A few days have passed. With seven people---you, Jessica the User, Kismet the Witch, Crystal the Psychic, Stella the Maid, Circe the Goddess, you’re new butler Simon (also a psychic), and Cassie the Pizza Girl, the four bedroom house is starting to fill up.
If you really are going to enslave and hold onto 99 other controllers, you might need a bigger house. You’ll worry about that when you get back from your next mission, an attack on another Master PC user. You’ve taken Kismet with you, trusting that her wide range of skills and tendency to fry technology will be enough to help you get through.
And we’ll get to that.
Just not right now.
Because right now, you are Jessica Rebecca Parz. A few months ago, you got your hands on something called the Master PC. At first it was great. You turned your ex-boyfriend into your obedient and sexy french maid, and had your parents move out and leave you the house, with a monthly fat deposit into your bank account coming in.
But then this whole game thing started. Now you’re a slave, doubly so with your mind warped by your own Master PC and a these weird, glowy tattoos. There doesn’t seem to be any way around them. Kismet is your Mistress with a capital M. But...they’re gone.
For the first time in a long while, no one is there to stop you from using the Master PC as you want. It’s time for a bit of fun. You could change yourself, change someone in the house...or go look for porn.
(Formatting note, from now on, put all your suggestions
>like thisto increase clarity)