>>5450127I can agree with most of this, there's only one issue.
>The ones who don't definitely did do it.There /are/ documented cases of convicted rapist getting off because of DNA evidence, you know. There's also a few cases of DNA evidence getting it wrong and convicting the wrong guy. It's rare, but painting every convicted rapist with the same brush is dangerous.
You make some good points about rape culture being more complex though, I'll give you that.
... one more thought. Lots of women have rape fantasies they never want to have happen, but still get off to. What's the difference between that and a responsible guy having fantasies, as long as he understands the difference between fantasy and reality?
I guess this might be my least favorite part of my fetishes, there's a chance that they influence the younger folk to do bad stuff, but it's really hard to quantify. Not least of which because culture is a complex thing and correlation does not equal causation. See: using japan for n example that rape porn does not automatically lead to more rapes. It's tempting to do, but Japan is honestly a big Misogynistic mess that just happens to have hangups about crime in general. Also probably reporting issues.