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Recent downtime was due to a network issue. Posts were still scraped during this time. Search will still be unavailable for a while until the issue is fully resolved.
Last thread, I made a conjoinment CYOA, which seemed to garner a level of interest. So, I've decided to have the next thread dedicated to the CYOA itself. Along with responses to the CYOA (which has been updated based on input I received the previous thread), written scenarios, OC, and other conjoinment goodies are also welcome.
Talk about scenarios related to conjoinment. What is a scenario that you always find yourself lost in? Do you picture yourself being conjoined, or do you imagine what happens when other people are conjoined together? Don't be afraid to share here. Here's my favorite that was shared on the last thread:
The brains/minds/souls/spirits of people being swapped around and into the wrong bodies. No furries. No futa. Anything else is allowed but try to keep the subject to female bodies (no images with only male bodies). Also anyone got any good mom and son body swap ones?