>>9199987I've never 'given up' but I do take long periods of not drawing between images, both to relax and because I'm just slow. Also only started a year and few months ago, so
I'll echo what other anons and yourself are stating; to learn how to draw is a serious time/effort investment. You never quite feel you're good because you can't measure this day to day. Other people can help but that's only so good. And just because you put in time + effort doesn't mean you'll go anywhere; people on Eka's and DeviantArt who've drawn for 7+ years and go nowhere are proof. Not helping is how you'll see lower-effort posts garner more attention/praise because of WHO drew a thing, or WHO got drawn in an image
Even so I was the only one who was willing to draw what I wanted to see, so sometimes frustration kills your drive to draw, sometimes it is your drive to draw. All I can say anon is just keep at it, because like with me only you can draw what you 100% wanna see (pic related)