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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 87

weight gain thread

No.6763516 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
post females getting fatter

no futa please
306 posts and 178 images omitted


No.6768695 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
old thread
379 posts and 121 images omitted


No.6155517 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread: >>6148022
Thread Question: Your waifu is rampaging throughout the area you live in. She then rips apart the roof of your house and finds you in your room. What do you do and why?
319 posts and 132 images omitted

Dominating Traps?

No.6163008 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is this so rare? I need moar.
32 posts and 32 images omitted

She-Mask Thread

No.6706709 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey there.
I'll be mostly tossing up requests made for me regarding the 'She-mask' fetish 'born' on deviantart.
Characters are mine, save for one i'll specify isn't.
Feel free to ask, praise, comment and post.
> Character on first picture is Mathilda Pearson, my first OC.
92 posts and 48 images omitted

/efg/ - Erotic Fiction General (formerly /wst/)

No.6752347 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is the go-to place to discuss (and produce) erotic fiction of all types, from the fap-and-go fics to porn with a substantial plot. Drawfags are also welcome- illustrated stories are the best ones! For drawing requests also check out the /d/raw thread:

Writefags, consider pastebin/titanpad rather than dumping for your stories. You can also use 1d4chan for /tg/-related smut

You are advised to tag your stories so that people know what they're looking at. This will attract more feedback from people interested in the themes you're exploring. Consider quoting the OP when delivering. This will make it easier to find (and critique!) the new stories in a thread.

People appreciate it a lot when you give them constructive feedback and criticism, so make sure to do so. We thrive on it. Don't be afraid to speak your mind about a story that caught your attention. This will help everyone in the long run.

Requests are encouraged to promote a steady flow of new content.There's nothing like a good request to get the creative juices flowing. Try to expand your ideas - a bare-bones request doesn't give us much of a good idea as to what you want. Have fun with it! Keep in mind that it might take some time to get to yours, and each writefag is interested in different kinds of things.

Remember to post pictures when possible to keep the thread alive, but keep image dumps to a minimum so that more OC can be posted.

Master smut lists:

Requests Document Database (feel free to add your requests to this when you post them in the thread!):

Our unofficial gathering:
1 post omitted

TG Thread

No.6645127 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
TG Writefagging Edition.

Had a good thread last time with some neat new content, so we'll continue: >>6617514

Never knew so many /d/enizens wrote their own TG stuff. Let's keep it up.
312 posts and 76 images omitted

/gfd/ /rr/ general

No.6742024 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Drama-free kittenboy edition.
We love you for clearing up the autism, mods.

New poll on flagging- which colors/causes to choose:
(Called at end of this thread)

>related hentai
>monster girls
>general lewdness
>doujinshi recommendations
>anime/manga recommendations
>preferably recommendations that are on-topic

>What is Role Reversal?

New Map:
Old Role Reversal Map:

FetLife Group

irc channel: , #gfd

/rr/ and /gfd/ megapastebins:

New doujin list

GFD masterpost

8ch board (allows 3DPD):
http://8ch net/gfd/
437 posts and 253 images omitted

Similar images?

No.6727013 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone know of anything similar to this?