>>39421027Talking about people staring in the gym
>back day>I'm in full adrenaline mode>About to do lats using pic related, moving each side isolated>start warming up, about 30 reps for each side, switching sides and doing total of 3 sets for each side without resting between sets for the sickest pump ever>In the middle of my warmup/pump-sets (which were about 3-4 minutes of constant moving), I notice this guy lurking around a few feet away>Hes looking at my quite a few times, pretty annoyed by my super sets>Sits down at the machine right next to me, waiting>wtf dude can't you see me super Setting, go find another exercise>Want to see how long he will stay>Finish my way too long warmup, won't be able to wipe my ass with this pump>He stands up, thinks I'm done>you underestimate my power>Put on two additional 20s on each side immediately after set and get back to exercising>Not even 30 seconds of rest>Time for the real work>Doing drop sets, the pump is unbelievable>Heavy sweating and grunting>The guy is still there>Finish the working drop sets which took again way too long, for normal gymnasts>Stand up, heavy breathing like I just ran 5 Miles>About to deload the machine>The guy was still sitting on the machine right next to me>He didn't workout this whole time (do you even lift)>Runs up to me>"Are you finally finished? Don't deload it">"ok, yea I saw you waiting but you see I was doing a lot of super sets">Fucktard now officially pissed>I leave the gym with most evil smile ever>If he wasn't there I wouldn't get this high level pump thoNormally I would have asked him if he wanted to work in or told him that I'm about to do this long Workout, but he looked arrogant af like the type of guy who was lifting for 6 months, starts to grow tiny bit of muscle mass and thinks hes bigger and better than everyone else at the gym even though hes still using lfting gloves and using his phone in between sets