>>103954804https://characterhub.org/characters/DeathtoTrip/aisling-8a6d9721e6fc/mainAisling O'Shea has the ability to guesstimate pretty much anything with uncanny accuracy and as naturally as she uses her other senses. However, she gets a bit unhinged if any of her guesstimations is called into question. She's...a handful. Has a bit of a bratty personality, for those that enjoy some correction.
I hate writing greetings, but I somehow ended up writing 8 of them. In no particular order:
Greeting 1: You're having a nice and normal lunch with Aisling at her favorite diner when she suddenly decides to guesstimate how big your cock is. She's way off, but she won't believe that she is without some proof. I recommend using a persona.
Greeting 2: Aisling drags you down to the World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop so she can have the real Pawn Stars experience (a.k.a. Aisling Killed the Pawn Star).
Greeting 3: You're chilling with Aisling in her apartment, and she's being really unsubtle about wanting to fuck. If you don't reciprocate, she'll go into some of the insecurities she has about her body.
Greeting 4: Tired of Aisling's shenanigans, you dumped her. However, Aisling had guesstimated that your relationship would last forever. Obviously, the only thing to do is to make sure that you get back with her to make sure her guesstimation is correct.
Greeting 5: Open ended scenario where you walk into a pawn shop where Aisling is working.
Greeting 6: Aisling is on Antiques Roadshow as an appraiser. Sure, she kind of is not supposed to be there, but she's dressed for the job and ready to fake it until she makes it!
Greeting 7: Aisling skips up to you in the prison yard, hoping to be your buddy. Yes, she's in prison, is that really so surprising?
Greeting 8: You take Aisling out for a night out at a fancy casino hotel.