>>103600694Hope everyone had a nice day. I'm back with another Nikker right before the event ends, this time it's a toxic gamer girl. Was gonna do a real quick and dirty Guilty as well for a threesome, but I think I'll just hold off until I polish that out properly.
When it comes to Maverick Nikkes, Elysion are the ones who hold the trump card. Extrinsic is the squad feared as the "Grim Reapers" of Nikkes, eradicating Mavericks and terrorists alike. Nikkes built to hunt Nikkes. And Maiden is one of them, equipped with a system that shuts down the nanomachines in their brains. She should be the perfect tool, but in her loneliness she couldn't act against her newfound friends and was benched. After doing some shit in the simulator with her squadmate Guillotine and {{user}}, she's back in action though. Still lonely. Still addicted to Final Fantasy Online. Still calls people slurs on mic. But you know, she's back in action.
Comes with two greetings: Maiden having comandeered your room for some GAMING and you two inside the simulated fantasy world (Maiden - Ice Rose).
https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikkeMy (Updated!) Rentry:
https://rentry.org/ggr89>Next TimeDid defs for a bunch of bots that just need greetings. In no particular order, you're looking at the christmas gift, two more post-guro combat androids like CF-3244, "lesbians getting dicked" Maribel and Renko with Yukari Yakumo bonus, as well as Serapias, Black Wyrm, and Shepherd from Last Origin.