>>101579444Lisps are good as high-level programmer-machine interfaces, but there's a reason (actually a lot of reasons) the most impactful software written in a Lisp is a bad text editor from 50 years ago - and even there the heavy lifting is done with another language and Lisp is used just for scripting, in the same exact position where Lua, JS and many other scripting languages are used to the same success.
Yes-yes, the orange leddit runs on a Lisp because a basic bitch website backend really needed the Power of Lisp™, Clojure is used for reeeally thrilling data juggling in banks because it's so amazing and unique and super powerful and not mostly because of job security and it being a Pajeet filter/anti-outsourcing defense exactly just like Scala, and you wrote toy programs for your thesis in a Scheme or CL, which totally couldn't be done with Python or JS just as well if not better/more efficient.
The state of the Lisp ecosystem(s) and tooling is pitiful, until a Lispfag reminds you for the nth time that Lisp has been around since the 50s and it's the second-oldest language still in common use, and then it's just laughable, and alarming - something is really, horribly wrong in the Lispland.
You know that joke about Haskell, "- Haskell programs are guaranteed to have no side effects - ...Because no one will ever run them?" People still get more shit done with Haskell than all Lisps that aren't Clojure combined.
"The most powerful programming language", "beautiful bipolar minds", "God's own language", bla-bla-bla. I'm not sure if Lisp is the cause or a symptom, but the reality is, Lispfags are good only at mental masturbation, autofellating and circlejerking.