Fatass who is leaving an update about making the appliance talking robots. !A3svZYfUmc Fri 13 Jul 2012 22:00:23 No. 26139791 Report Quoted By:
Hey /g/entoos, First thread I saw so I will post an update in it since I am only leaving this one post. I have scrounged up 3 old MP3 players and I have found two sets of computer speakers from an old fashion dumpster dive. I am now in the process of making a permanent connection between the speakers and the MP3 and I have yet to start recording other than a test beep for all the MP3 players to play and check their shuffle feature. I have yet to think of a way to get the robots to talk to each other and recognize when they are talking to each other. I think that in the future I might do a raspberry PI and make a script to run, but hooking them all into one will be a feat for myself I am sure. Anyways, within 2-3 days I will have made up the script and will have you guys start to record if you want to. Evening fellas.>As a side note, I am going to email Richard Stallman about him taking a role in one of the appliances, I think he will get a kick out of that. Will send original picture to him as well. Picture related.