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/DE3/ - DALL-E 3 General

No.99395743 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>yfw they ban TikTok edition

Previous /de3/ thread : >>99387360

>What is DALL-E 3?
DALL-E 3 is a text-to-image model which is built upon DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion and ChatGPT.


Landscape re-generation added to Copilot in some regions.

>How does it work on Bing?
In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time increases, ranging from seconds to minutes.

You can (but should not) "purchase" more boosts by trading in Microsoft Rewards, which can be earned by doing things in Microsoft Edge. Boosts replenish around once per day, seemingly at random.

>Can I view my image history?
Yes, checkout the "Creations" tab on Bing Create (first link). It holds the most recent creations from all Microsoft Tools. Older creations get deleted, so be sure to save

>What do I do if my button is greyed out and I can't create any images?
It may be a server issue, at the moment all you can do is wait.

>Prompt Generator

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